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Pregnant Woman Has Intense Food Craving, Ends Up Saving Man's Life Thanks to It

Although Ems Christiana Corrado hadn't craved a Slurpee since her pregnancy 3 years ago, she decided to treat herself to

Although Ems Christiana Corrado hadn't craved a Slurpee since her pregnancy three years ago, she decided to care for herself to the slushy treat. And one 62-year-old homo is alive because of information technology.

"It'southward pretty foreign to me that of a sudden on this day, at that moment, I would decide to got to that particular vii-Eleven to obtain 1," Corrado told CBS2.


That item vii-Eleven is just a block class a decorated Yorktown Heights intersection that was virtually to descend into chaos. As the twenty-year EMS veteran and pre-hospital emergency medicine professor was enjoying her slushy and the warm weather, she saw a car go by her passage window – inside, the driver was slumped over the bike.

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Corrado's instincts and training kicked in only as the car slammed into a utility pole, and then rolled down a grassy lawn and hit a CVS store. Past the time Corrado arrived, the driver was in bad shape.

"When I checked for a pulse, I couldn't feel whatever. And he was cyanotic – really, really blue," she said. Meanwhile ,the utility pole outburst into flames and burned down.

Corrado immediately began breast compressions and by the fourth dimension on-duty emergency services arrived, the man'south color went back to pink. He woke up dislocated, with no idea of what had happened. Corrado suspected a centre attack. The victim was transported to infirmary, and according to Play a joke on News, has since gone through open-heart surgery.

In the meantime, Corrado is being hailed equally a hero, although for the veteran emergency responder, it's all part of a 24-hour interval's piece of work, even though she wasn't on duty, merely craving a Slurpee.

For shopper Nan Gollogy, who witnessed the incident, the consequence was more sheer coincidence. She told CBS: "It's God's hand in our lives." Fifty-fifty more weird is the fact that 2 years to the day, an SUV crashed into the aforementioned store.
